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EVENT Sensemaker ThinkIn – Start-ups in lock-down: how should the state step in?

Seedrs is partnering with Tortoise Media, a new kind of media company, for a series of online discussions about how best startups and business can innovate in a crisis.

Tortoise is a news start-up that specialises in slower, wiser news (definitely something the world could do with right now!), and its content is powered by a series of events called ThinkIns, which are essentially open news conferences where members can engage with editors and experts to discuss stories, ideas and investigations. Some of these ThinkIns have special guests, including the likes of Tony Blair, Gina Miller, David Dimbleby and Jon Ronson.

Join our co-founder, Jeff Lynn, in the live Sensemaker Digital ThinkIn on Friday April 24th at 1pm (UK time) where he and Brent Hoberman (Founder Forum), will attempt to sort the good sense from the special pleading. They’ll ask ThinkIn members, investors and entrepreneurs if there’s a balance to be struck between vulnerability, agility and sound governance to preserve what should be the most vibrant sector of any economy. Who dives, who thrives, who just about survives in these challenging times – and why?

Chair: James Harding, Editor and Co-founder, Tortoise

Jeff Lynn is co-founder of Seedrs, the equity crowdfunding platform, and chairman of Coadec

Brent Hoberman is co-founder of Founders Forum

Register for this event via this link