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Raise money for your business: six options

young asian entrepreneur presenting business plan for new project.

The idea of setting-up a business appeals to many people. But to turn the dream into reality takes money. And, if the business takes off, you’ll probably need financing to grow it. There’s a wealth of financing options available, but which is best for you, your business and your current situation? You may find you need to use more than one way to raise money for your business. Let’s take a look at the various options:

Bootstrapping – best very early on when there’s no or limited team costs

If you build your business without borrowing money or parting with equity, you’re ‘bootstrapping’. Instead, bootstrappers use their personal income and savings to support the business. They also focus on operating at the lowest cost they can.  Some of the world’s largest companies started out as bootstrapped ventures.

Grants – best for early-stage, good throughout

If you’re developing a product or service, you may be eligible for a grant. It might be worth taking a look at the government’s Finance and Support for your Business site and perusing the options that are currently available. For a detailed list of grants available, broken down by region and industry, check out Nerd Wallet’s article here. Some universities also provide grants that are usually designed to help early-stage spin outs or to fund research. But, note that grants often involve a lot of hard work and time to secure

Debt financing – best for when you already have cash flow

If you need money and can demonstrate a reasonable cash flow, debt financing may be most appropriate. This can take the form of:

Reward-based crowdfunding – best for product-based and creative businesses

This can be likened to pre-ordering. As well as securing funds, you could also gain early brand ambassadors. You access the service through a platform, such as Kickstarter. People provide funds in return for receiving the finished product at a later date. Sometimes they receive a discount against future purchases or other rewards. This type of funding can help you to build up a lot of loyal supporters and raise a high amount of capital if it proves popular.

Equity funding – ideal for a range of businesses

With equity funding, you receive investment in exchange of giving away a percentage of your company. There are a few types to consider:

This type can provide both funding as well as valuable support. Some specialise in particular sectors, which can add extra value with tailored advice provided. You may be offered space with the accelerator, where you may get the advice of successful entrepreneurs. The aim is to fast-track your business for further growth and gain additional investment. You may be asked to give-up 6-8% of your business for around £15,000 to £20,000.

Investors view business pitches via an online platform. The business decides the amount they need to raise and the amount of equity that they’re prepared to give up to secure it. The platform works on an ‘all or nothing’ basis, so no funds will be released unless the target is met. Typically, you’ll attract a large amount of investors and build your brand awareness because a raise may generate a lot of social media and press coverage.

These are high-net-worth or sophisticated individuals looking to invest in a portfolio of other businesses. As well as helping to raise money for your business, they offer to share their expertise and contacts.

Venture capital– best for mid/later stage

At this stage, the business model will have been proven and the focus will be on looking to scale. So, a typically funding is £200,000 and upwards. VCs can manage investment from a wide range of investors, but may also be investing on behalf of pension funds. Be prepared for a high level of scrutiny. Also, VCs may demand a high level of involvement in your business to help drive growth and see a return.

Which route is right for you to raise money for your business?

It’s not easy to decide which option to go with to raise money for your business. You may end up going with a combination of the above, or go down a few routes as your business progresses. Everyone at Seedrs wishes you the best of luck – whichever way you go.
