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ANNA announces partnership with ABH Holdings SA

Mobile banking, tax account and financial service assistant, ANNA has joined forces with ABH Holdings SA, who will take a majority stake in the company. This latest investment of £17.5M also provides an exit opportunity for Seedrs investors.

This marks Seedrs’ 14th portfolio exit, following success stories like Podpoint’s acquisition by EDF and Courier’s acquisition by Mailchimp earlier this year.  

Seedrs Chief Investment Officer, Kirsty Grant says: “We’re delighted for Eduard and the ANNA team. They’ve had a fantastic growth journey to date and it’s brilliant for Seedrs investors to realise a return on their investment so swiftly after ANNA completed their Seedrs round.”

ANNA raised £3.4million from 595 Seedrs investors in 2019. Seedrs investors are now being offered the chance to exit the business at a 40% profit. This new strategic alliance will see ANNA continue to operate as a standalone brand, maintaining operational independence and its headquarters in London. 

CEO and Co-Founder of ANNA, Eduard Panteleev says: “Equity for Mugs, our campaign with Seedrs last Autumn was hugely successful, enabling us to invest in developing new services and customer support capabilities. The Seedrs platform connected us directly to like-minded entrepreneurs and investors who share our belief in ANNA’s purpose, offer and its potential for growth.”

Congratulations to the ANNA team and the Seedrs investors!