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Seedrs entrepreneur lunch & learn: crowdfunding campaign video workshop

Old film projector with dramatic lighting

Seedrs invites you to an interactive and multimedia video lunch & learn featuring Drop Films, an innovative London film production and post production company. As a group we will explore how to create a clear and concise video that explains your business to someone who has no previous knowledge about the industry your business is in.

The campaign video is often the most important part of a crowdfunding campaign. This is the first thing an investor will look at, so if an entrepreneur can’t get the message across in a three-minute video, it’s unlikely investors will read the rest of the pitch.

If you’d like to learn more about creating a great crowdfunding video, this event is for you!

The programme

12:30pm – Entrepreneurs arrive at Seedrs HQ.

12.45pm – Event starts: Interactive workshop about the process of making a great crowdfunding video.

1.15pm – The floor will be open for question and answers.

1.30pm – Time for one-on-one questions and networking before the event wraps up.

1:45pm – Close.


Seedrs, Churchill House, 142-146 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BW. Entrance instructions to be emailed privately, prior to the event.

The hosts

Drop Films are passionate about pushing the boundaries of film and storytelling. Their clients include TEDx, Nokia, Heineken and also businesses that are crowdfunding on Seedrs.

Seedrs allows ambitious businesses in all sectors to raise capital and build community through an efficient, online process All types of investors can invest as little or as much as they like (from £10) in businesses they believe in and share in their success.