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Seedrs supports Ukraine

Seedrs supports Ukraine

The war impacting Ukraine through the unacceptable actions of Russia is heartbreaking. The shock and horror we, as a company, feel does not compare to the recent changes in so many people’s lives in Ukraine. 

To our Ukrainian founders, investors, colleagues and loved ones, we stand by you. To those still in Ukraine fighting the unknown, we are deeply moved by your strength and courage to stay positive and strong in the midst of this all. 

What Seedrs is doing 

Our first priority is to support our Ohana (employees) impacted by this crisis. While we do not have employees based in Ukraine, we do have Ukrainian employees in other offices and those with deep ties. We are giving them the support to prioritise their mental and physical wellbeing during this time. 

As a regulated financial services firm, we have also enacted changes on our platform to ensure we are in line with the recently-implemented financial sanctions against Russia. Some of these actions include:   

We will continue to update you on any additional steps we take. 

What you can do

It’s easy to feel helpless in this situation but there are ways to take action. Some steps you can take include: 

Below are a few examples of additional ways to help through trusted sources.

Email your local MP. 

Urge them to take all possible measures and actions to support Ukraine. Ask those in your local area to do so too. The more letters, the more pressure MPs face to take action immediately. You can find your MPs contact details here

Donate through The Red Cross

The Red Cross are collecting donations to help those in Ukraine with the following: accessing food, water, first aid, medicines, warm clothes and shelter. To donate today, view this page here.  

Homes for Ukraine scheme 

This programme allows British citizens, businesses and charities to offer a room or home rent-free to Ukrainian refugees. The government is offering £350 a month in compensation, which can also be given towards the person or family you’re supporting. You can learn more and register here

Donate through With Ukraine

The Embassy of Ukraine to the UK has set up this platform to provide support to Ukraine and its people. You can donate with as much or as little, collectively it forms a meaningful impact. To donate today, view this page here