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Welcome to the Seedrs blog

Three years ago, Carlos and I set out to build a platform that allows ordinary people to invest in startups in a straightforward and efficient way. The term “crowdfunding” hardly existed at the time, and while peer-to-peer lending platforms were already achieving some success, we knew that the legal and operational issues involved in doing equity would pose a much tougher challenge.

As we now approach launch, it’s fun to look back on the hurdles we’ve overcome to get to this point. Achieving FSA approval (making us the first equity crowdfunding platform anywhere in the world to get regulatory approval), raising over £1 million in our own capital, building an amazing product, hiring a brilliant team and meeting thousands of dynamic, supportive people along the way has been a truly wonderful experience.

But the rear-view mirror deserves only the briefest attention, because our biggest challenges—and opportunities—lie ahead. In the coming months we will launch Seedrs in the UK and show the world the power and efficacy of a simple, online investment platform for startups. We can’t wait to transform the way people invest and businesses are born.

Every week or so we’ll be updating this blog with a range of stories, observations and tips. We’ll share with you our lessons and experiences as we grow, as well as broader updates from the startup and investing ecosystem. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful, and if there’s anything in particular you’d like us to discuss, please drop us a line.